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Our Team

Meet the researchers who keep the science going

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Jared Young, PHD

Principal Investigator

Dr. Young received his BA in Molecular Cell Biology from UC Berkeley and his Ph.D. in Biology from UC San Diego. Prior to Mills, he engaged in research projects on regulation in the secretory pathway in mammalian cells, the biochemistry of lung surfactant, and calcium signaling in stomatal guard cells. Upon joining the faculty at Mills, Dr. Young launched a research program on the genetics of behavior in C. elegans to serve as a training ground for undergraduate scientists. He is particularly interested in how information is generated and utilized by biological systems, especially neurons.

Undergraduate Students

Savannah (they/them) is a member of the precipice team. They are in their third year at mills and discovered a love for working with C. elegans in Dr. Young’s genetics class. They also work at the Mammalian Functional Genomics Lab at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In their free time, they love to play tabletop roleplaying games, draw, and cosplay.

Savannah McCoy

Biology, B.S. '23


Victoria is an undergraduate researcher pursuing a BS in Biopsychology. Her goals include working in medicine and public health. She is from San Francisco and loves to read and go out to eat food/desserts in her free time.

Victoria Lam

Biopsychology B.A. '23

Undergraduate Alumni

Robin has been working on precipice response research in the Young Lab since December 2020. An avid lover of all things neuro, she hopes to pursue a career in neurobiological research and science communication and will enter the Neurobiology Ph.D. program at the University of Chicago in Fall 2022. Outside of the lab, Robin enjoys reading, writing (fiction and nonfiction), and watching anime.

Robin Mitchell

Biochemistry B.A.
Molecular Biology '22

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Q. Mariyam Muhammad

Biology, B.S. 
minor in Ethnic Studies '22

Mariyam is an undergraduate senior and completing her first semester on the Zap team. She plans to pursue a Masters of Biomedical Sciences and a Masters of Science in Physician Assistant studies. Mariyam will continue working in the Young lab as a participant of the Jill Barrett Undergraduate summer research program.

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Lizzy started working in the Young lab in 2021 on the Olfactory Receptor project. Her fields of interest include genetics, cell biology and microbiology. After graduating from Mills Lizzy is looking forward to working in the biotech industry. Ultimately, she would like to pursue a PhD in one of her fields of interest. Outside of the lab she enjoys baking, painting and spending time outdoors hiking or camping with friends.

Lizzy Dixon

Biology, B.S.
minor in Math '22

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Euli Keomany

Biopsychology B.S. '22

Eulia is in their senior year at Mills College, working for a B.S. degree in Biopsychology as a pre-vet student. Eulia started in the Young Lab in fall 2021, and joined the ZAP team. On the rare occasion that they are not in the lab, working, or in class, they like to spend their free time going out for drives near the ocean or staying in and spending time with their two cats. After graduating, Eulia hopes to continue pursuing a career in veterinary medicine by working as a veterinary assistant, and going to veterinary school.

Katja (she/her) enjoys working with animals and plans to move on to veterinarian medicine once her undergraduate degree is completed.

Katja E. Hodnett

Biopsychology B.A. '22


Haifa is in her senior year double majoring in Biopsychology and Public Health & Health Equity as a pre-med student. She appreciates how her knowledge of genetics has been strengthened by the research done for Identifying the Causative Mutation in the J102 Zap mutant. Outside of the lab, she is a student leader on campus, and focuses her work on the intersections of STEM and serving underrepresented minorities. In her downtime, she enjoys trying new food from different cultures as a way to destress. 

Haifa Algabri

Biopsychology B.A.
Public Health &
Health Equity B.A. '22

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